Sunday, November 3, 2019

Effective Speech Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Effective Speech - Assignment Example The opposition to Glenn’s argument is the fact that many people think those who express so much privacy are wrongdoers and have a lot to hide. However, the fact is, everyone has things that they do privately to avoid the judging eyes of the public. There are instincts that make people uncomfortable without privacy. The privacy is required by everyone because it is human nature.He related his topic to me by addressing it directly to the audience that back in our minds we know we cannot do without privacy. We all need to be protected from the judging eyes of many who have opinions that are different from ours. That way I was able to analyze myself and realized that his point was right.His most persuasive evidence was the fact that nobody was ever willing to disclose their private information and security passwords to their emails and other private networks. His unique facts were that when everyone has the mindset that someone could be watching them, they tend to be more obedient and do the right as compared to when people are in private. To support that point, he quoted sayings from re-known people, for example, a quote that says whoever does not move does not notice this change.From Glenn’s speech, I will take away the delivery style to help in strengthening my argument, content, and delivery in my persuasive speech. His good style helps to make sure everyone understands his ideas. He also tries his best to maintain the attention of the audience. He uses the best tone to drive his message home.

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